My Words on the JewWario Controversy

Regarding the whole JewWario controversy: No matter what we think of him now I feel that those commentaries in the pic summarize my thoughts that words can still inspire people regardless of the mind behind the quote. We’re not stupid for not knowing close people to 100%.

And don’t feel guilty for your past grief and tribute works. You’re not stupid. Don’t ever tell yourself that you are. Nobody’s perfect. This applies to people, friends, family members we admire or love or… well, used to be fond of, but it also applies to us all.

Never forget that. We’re all human. There are good people, there are bad people but even good people can hide their dark sides from others or even themselves.

What truly matters is that we, as humans, shall never exploit others in unforgivably selfish ways just to satisfy our own benefits and never hurt the ones we respect or love.

If you see a dark side in yourself, there are people who are willing to help you out, who would love to support you to become a better person. We all got our inner demons. You’re not alone with that. Never forget that. Keep the love of humanity in your heart.

Jack Skyblue

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